
Tips for Managing Multi-Property Hotel Chains in 2023

  While the hospitality industry has changed exponentially in the last few years, the core principles of the business remain the same. The focus of the hospitality business, as always, is to create a memorable experience for the guests in the fast changing hospitality environment. Understanding the needs of the guests is of paramount important in the hospitality segment and once the hoteliers zero in on what guests want, they can modify their services around the needs of the guests. When guests get a unique staying experience they are more likely to choose the property again and also recommend it to their friends and family members. For hotel chains, this kind of word-of-mouth publicity is even more important as they can build a reputation for being a property that takes excellent care of guests.  Managing a multi-property hotel chain comes with a large number of challenges, but using a multi-property hotel management software can help to tackle many of these challenges with ease. Let’

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Hospitality Sector

Artificial intelligence has taken the business world by storm. More and more businesses are using artificial intelligence to supercharge their business communication as well as their day-to-day operations. In the hospitality segment, artificial intelligence can work along with the hotel software to give businesses a much needed boost in all areas, from managing hotel operations to handling the needs of the guests in the hotel. In the coming years, AI is going to be a popular choice of businesses in the hospitality industry. The business owners that adapt to the changing technology will surely have a headstart over their competitors and they will also be able to impress their guests with their vision for the future. Importance of Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry AI Can Easily Perform Repetitive Tasks Artificial intelligence can be an important part of a hotel management software . The AI models can be trained to carry out tasks that are the responsibil

Streamline Hotel Operations with a Central Reservation System and Improve Guest Satisfaction

Managing a hotel is not an easy task on the best of days. Hoteliers need to make use of technology that can help them to take their hotel operations to the next level. Using a central reservation system comes with a wide range of benefits for the hotel staff as well as the guests that are looking for a hassle-free booking experience. The flow of information is the key to managing a hotel property with ease and efficiency. As is the case, often, hotels mess up their bookings that lead to overbooking or double booking of the same room for their guests. Eliminating this confusion and error is the first problem that is solved by using a central reservation system for hotels Keep in mind, a central reservation system for hotels is a cloud-based solution that acts as a system that allows the hotel to maintain real time data of their bookings, inventory, and room rates. The data is synchronized in real time with the PMS and the various OTAs that work with the hotel. Cloud-Based C

What do Hotels Need to Do in 2023 to Maximize Guest Satisfaction

The hospitality industry is a fast evolving space where the success of a property depends on the creativity of the management and their ability to move with the times. Savvy managers keep an eye on the prevailing trends in the hostel industry and ensure that their property is also offering the best solutions to the guests for their utmost satisfaction. Using a 5-star hotel management software is one of the steps that hotels can take to ensure their property is on top of the changes in the industry. It is crucial to understand that guests from different parts of the world have unique demands and requirements and hotels need to be prepared accordingly. While some guests might want to talk to the staff at the front desk, others might want to check-in through a web-app and go straight to their room. For casual and business travelers, hotels need to make appropriate arrangements. Business travelers often require high-speed internet, conference rooms or pick and drop from the airport

Why Cloud PMS is ideal Property Management System for Small Properties

The hospitality industry is going through a sea change and property managers are looking for new and unique ways to keep up with the changes. The idea as always is to make dedicated efforts to improve the property for the guests and present them with a memorable experience for every stay. More so, small properties need to work even harder to retain regular customers and attract new guests every holiday season. For property managers that take care of multiple properties, using a cloud PMS is essential as the software adds efficiency to their workflow and allows them to manage a number of properties with ease. Even after the covid pandemic slowed down, hotels were not able to recall staff that had left during the height of the pandemic. In essence, many of the properties are working with reduced staff numbers even now. The reduced number of staff makes it imperative for the managers to use the best cloud-based hotel PMS to manage properties while providing a stellar experience to ev