How Hoteliers Can Prepare Their Hotel for Rising Travel Demand Post COVID-19


Most of the people never imagined that 2020 would face a worst pandemic health crises in the modern history bring the whole world to halt. Many governments had to close down most of their economics to limit the spread of coronavirus. The result has been unprecedented in terms GDP and Unemployment levels.

Over the past decades, travel saw consistent growth even when financial crises and other pandemics affected the global economy. But today’s situation is different with international tourist industry seeing a 58-78% of decline. The hospitality sector saw a four time greater than two crisis combined.

Hotel demand may not reach pre-COVID levels until 2023 and hotels operating in post-COVID scenario will be completely different. But few things never change such as customer service and amenities offered. Customers these days expect more such as cleanliness, safety and what Hotel technology is offered to its guest.

New emerging hotel software technology in the industry will help hoteliers to stay competitive in the industry and convince traveller to stay at your hotel property. In this testing times such as Coronavirus, It is important to understand these hotel technology trends to meet customer expectations as market demands are constantly changing.

Customer no longer look for traditional amenities or service delivery, the future of hotel booking depends on offering more personalized and customized service along with safety. Here are few upcoming hotel technology to prepare your hotel to cater to the rising travellers demand post COVID.

Cloud Technology

Since Corona Virus pandemic has shown us way to work remotely and this trend is going to continue for long. It implies to hospitality industry too and hotel operators are looking for cloud based hotel technology which will allow all their hotel staff to connect with property for 24/7.

Investing in Cloud Based Hotel technology will be extreme priority for the hotel industry post COVID-19. Upgrading your traditional hotel technology to cloud-based hotel technology will save large amount CapEx and OpEx charges like software maintenance.

Contactless Check-in & Checkout

The COVID-19 pandemic has limited the interaction between a hotel employee and guests. In future, guest’s willing to travel to a hotel property wants to limit interaction with staff and they want to do all check-in formalities using their own Mobile devices.

Using their own device to complete hotel registration will minimize staff interaction and improve guest safety and convenience. Also contactless registration using their own mobile devices saves time and eliminates the need for standing in a queue at front desk.

Contactless Payments

Contactless payment method trend was getting famous even before COVID-19, but the pandemic shifted gears of contactless technology and it is one of fastest-growing hotel technology in the hospitality industry right now. Payment method is evolved from net banking, online payment gateway and mobile wallets. This payment method is safe, fast and more reliable and prevents loss or theft.

Automate Service

Automation is the most important and unavoidable trend in the hotel industry. COVID-19 situation had put restriction on employees and most properties operates with low staff. Hotel operators need to use this staff and focus on providing guest superior experience.

Hotel operators need to use a hotel technology and automate operational tasks like email confirmations and amendments, Performa Invoices, managing rates etc. will free up more time to your resources and ask them to concentrate on more important tasks, concentrate on guest service.


Post Covid-19 hotel operators should make use of all the possible technologies from Cloud-based Hotel software technology to contactless solutions. It might seem to be reduced occupancy now but once the restrictions are lifted and coronavirus is under control the demand for travel will definitely increase. Hotel operators need to be prepared for this future. Hotel technology will be ever evolving and hotel operators need to be updated to stay competitive.


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