Contactless Dining Menu with QR Code: The Future of Safe Dining in Restaurants


Almost every country in the world is affected by corona virus pandemic forcing most of the countries to declare emergency lockdown and have urged their people to follow WHO guidelines and take safety precautions such as

1.       Wash hands with soap and sanitizers regularly to maintain hygiene

2.       Avoid touching your face without washing your hands

3.       Avoid unnecessary travel and social gatherings

4.       Get medical advice immediately in case of symptoms and much more

Because the COVID-19 virus is highly transmittable, people follow strict social distancing and they try to highly avoid physical contact and interactions. Restaurant owners understand this trend is going to stay for long even if the restrictions are lifted, so they are trying to come up minimal contact ideas.

Even though QR based digital menus have been here for a while, restaurants were hesitant to use them. Since hygiene and safety concerns arise because of pandemic digital menus are gaining more popularity and it is the better time to take advantage of them.

By replacing physical touch menu to a QR menu, restaurants will be able to combat current safety and sanitation concern caused by COVID-19. QR digital menus are cost-effective, easy to use and flexible and is a perfect option for your restaurants future success.

A Quick Response code menu is a digital version of a restaurants printed menu which can be seen in a visually attractive way on a smart device with a camera scan.  Here are few top benefits of using a QR code digital menu.

Easy ordering – Customers can use their own smart phone and scan a QR code placed in the table and can directly place the order without waiting for a waiter.

Product Recommendations – Restaurants can show recommendations to customer, show preparation time, calorie information, Ingredients, modifiers and show portion-wise prices.

It Saves Time – There is no need to reprint and order new printed menus in case of a menu or price change. Using digital menu, hotels can frequently change menu items, price and update special promotions which gets changed in real time and it save lots of time.

Flexibility – Contactless QR digital menus are incredibly flexible. You can design and run vibrant multiple promotions, show different products and prices for different days and times, use attractive pictures for promotions.

Save cost – You will need initial investment to build a contactless dining menu, but once you have built it is easy to change and update the menu which will save a substantially in printing cost and redesigning costs.

Unify your brand – When you have multiple outlet in multiple location QR code digital menus provides a brand consistency. You can update every outlet and promote special items in real time.


Right now no one knows when this coronavirus pandemic will be over and as we move forward maybe this global crisis may become our new normal.

Because many governments are lifting restrictions and restaurant reopening need to take utmost care for safety and hygiene of your customers and employees. By using technological advance like QR code menu you are creating a safe contactless interaction in a cost effective, simple and optimum flexibility.

Want to see how a QR code restaurant menus work? Schedule a 30 minutes free demo with our experts and make restaurant operations life easier.


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