How Can Cloud Property Management System Help Your Hotel Go Greener?

Did you know this planet is the only home we’ve got and it’s our responsibility to take care of it? Our mother earth is alarming us by rising sea levels, increasing average temperatures, Amazon forest was on fire etc. Now is time to take action and save our planet.

According to a 2019 sustainable traveller report by, almost 72% of travellers are making sustainable travel choices this year and they intend to stay in eco-friendly accommodation so they can save our planet for future generations. Green Practice most important for any business who want to attract eco-friendly customer. But isn’t it our responsibility to keep our planet healthy?
Hotel operators need to make smart decisions by reusing linens, using energy efficient lights, use filtered water instead of bottled water, make use of IOT for smart in-room energy controls, recycling, energy efficient lightings are few popular examples. Yet did you know if you choose a right hotel property management system also can play a more important role in your accommodation property’s ecological footprint?

Today, there are many cloud based hotel software that can integrate with your hotels each operational task and we share here few properties how a hotel property management system can be a greater choice for greener environment.

Why Choose Cloud-Based Systems?
A cloud based hotel property management systems will only require a basic computer with an internet connection and a browser unlike a legacy system which will require a major technological infrastructures like servers, cooling systems etc. Where there is a major investment, where-as cloud based systems will be on subscription models and you pay for what you use.

When you go ahead with a right cloud hotel software the benefit is that you will no need to worry about your data because the vendor will take care of data centres, servers, remote back-ups securely with highly optimized servers located remotely.

Also your accommodation property saves a significant energy saving as there is no systems servers, major high-tech IT devices are low. For multiple properties energy efficiency is still more when you switch to cloud based Hotel property management system.

With A Cloud Based Hotel Software You Can Nearly Go Paperless
When a modern day cloud based hotel software in place all the reservation data is always available from anywhere, any place with an internet connection, So you don’t need to print reports and schedules you can use a smart device or your data can be accessed emailed directly from the PMS system.

With a hotel software you can access guest data in the system you can get guest documents like check-in, registration cards, check-out, billings all can signed digitally, emailed to guest by saving papers.

Housekeeper security can check reports such as cleaning schedule, update room status, guest check-out reports from the desk and notify the housekeeping staff and get the task completed. This will eliminate printing work schedules and save paper significantly. Also this helps save energy because they housekeeping staff gets notification of check-out guest they can attend the vacated room immediately and ensure all the electric devices are turned off.

The major contributor of climate change is deforestation so it is important to use less paper to save our planet.

Hotel Software Helps to Energy Save
Did you know a cloud based hotel software can easily integrate with IoT devices like hotel room control system, thermostats, Alexa devices, key cards etc. which can provide you with realistic ways to improve energy.

Now when you connect automatic in-room control lights and thermostats with a property management system. This will help you trigger IoT devices when a guest check-in and check-out happens which will greatly reduce energy wastage. Automated mobile key integrations will reduce use of plastic key cards.

Today’s hotel Software should think of future and should well integrate with eco-friendly integration, any modern day PMS should streamline your property operations and work for a hotel’s bottom line in multiple ways. Hotel software should improve energy efficiency while reducing investment. Travellers are more concerned about ecological changes and they are makes best practices to make world healthier. Hotel operators should reconsider and implement a modern day hotel PMS and get this energy saving integrations to help reduce an ecological footprint, and we should make our planet healthier and beautiful, because this is our home.


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