Best Practices for Improving Hotel Revenue in Peak Season
Each hotel has a peak part of the season they look forward to. During this time, the bigger part of their yearly revenue is made. Most hotels these days strive to increase the number of direct bookings during the peak period. This is their most direct approach to increasing their overall revenue. We are here to talk about a few practical things that hoteliers can do to maximize their booking and raise occupancy to previously unseen levels. The global hotel industry was estimated to have made around 550 billion US dollars in 2016. Still, these numbers are growing as global spending power increases and lifestyle priorities for people change. Keeping up with industry growth isn’t easy but it can be done if hotels manage to keep up with their season peak. Online Reviews These days, there is less and less work for travel agencies as the modern, tech-savvy traveler takes care of most things him/herself. Modern tourists want to create their own experience and are not afraid to do hard researc...